The Disappearance of Bees Syndrome

The Disappearance of Bees Syndrome

Phenomenon observed worldwide, the death of thousands of hives is related to the use of a type of insecticide, believes Professor

abelha-III-300x300"This is a very serious problem in Brazil, more precisely in 14 state". It is with this warning that the geneticist, retired professor from USP and also a visiting professor at UFERSA (Federal Rural University of Semi-Arid), Lionel Gonçalves, talks about the decline in the bee population. "And we do not talk much about it because we have here a very complicated political about it. But, IBAMA, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture are aware of the seriousness of the situation ", full.

According to researcher, It was given this year by the non-governmental organization which he founded, a Bee or not to be?, a petition with 22 thousand signatures requesting a control of the use of pesticides on crops by these organs and calling attention to what is happening and the consequences of the death of thousands of hives.

"This is not a problem only in Brazil. Science has found that the death of bees worldwide is epidemic. The phenomenon was called Colony Collapse Disorder or Disappearance of Bees Syndrome ", says.

Gonçalves explains why talking about disappearance and no death of bees. "By contacting the insecticides, bees are baffled because the chemical reaches the nerve cells Bee, modifying physiology. For that reason, they can not return to the hive ", explains Professor.

Officially, Here in Brazil, we have no information about the disorder. "What we have are data collected by the application Bee Alert (released by Bee or not to be?). In 16 months, the platform recorded the death of 16 thousand hives, or equal to approximately 900 million bees ", laments Gonçalves.

the villains

Bee-II-300x212Neonicotinoids insecticides type are being identified as the likely cause of the disappearance of bees. "They are systemic products, or are, which penetrate the plant, in their roots and soil; being led to n kilometers away by the water table ", explains geneticist.

Germany was the first country to ban the sale of these products. After, some followed the same steps - Spain, Italy, Canada, Mexico.

"There is plenty to do and the Brazilian government needs to take action or we will have an even greater loss. Beekeepers and beekeepers are giving up their activities because there is no support or any kind of government support before the problem ", says Gonçalves.

"We are in a very uphill struggle. On one side, are government and multinational responsible for production and sales of pesticides and other, the nature, we need to preserve. We need to have more contact with nature, we have more love for insects ", concludes the researcher.


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