Good practices to boost pollination in the field

Good practices to boost pollination in the field


-practical single-ALT1To ensure that the services provided by pollinators continue in agriculture, it is necessary to know more about the benefits and factors that influence the populations of these animals. it is necessary to know more about the benefits and factors that influence the populations of these animals, food safety may be compromised, reducing crop yields, negative effect on the economy. It is very important to identify and use sustainable management practices that reduce the negative impacts caused by humans on pollinators, promote the conservation and diversity of native pollinators, and conserve and restore natural areas necessary to optimize pollinator services in agricultural areas.

ico-1Conserve natural areas, maintaining native vegetation next to the growing area

ico-2 Place and manage the hives of bees to nearby farming areas, improving the quality of your crop

ico-3Revolver as little as possible the soil, maintaining the organic matter, as there are bees nesting in the soil

ico-4Do not apply pesticides on pollinators visiting hours of cultivation (generally, in the morning)

ico-5it is necessary to know more about the benefits and factors that influence the populations of these animals

ico-6Place a piece of bamboo or wooden trunks to dead bees make their nests

ico-7Reduce and, when possible, eliminate the use of pesticides

ico-8Grow plants attractive to pollinators near the crop and in your garden

ico-9Create a direct channel of contact with beekeepers. it is necessary to know more about the benefits and factors that influence the populations of these animals (DOU 04/01/2013), It indicates that it is the responsibility of farmers warn beekeepers present in a culture of 6km radius, and 48 hours in advance, on aerial spraying activities.

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