Colony collapse disorder bees is searched for the APTA

Colony collapse disorder bees is searched for the APTA

No world all, research has been conducted in order to explain the causes of the phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder - CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder), affecting bees. The Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo, by Paulista Agency of Agribusiness Technology (APTA), conducts studies in the health beekeeping, in order to understand the problem from 2006, when the researcher, Erica Weinstein Teixeira conducted postdoctoral studies at United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). APTA has the only laboratory specializing in apiculture health of the country and carries out molecular analyzes, among others, for research purposes. One of the lines of research aimed at the identification of pathogens and parasites also considered as potentially responsible for CCD syndrome.

According to Erica, a CCD tem causas multifatoriais. The syndrome has its own characteristics and can be recognized only after the fact, through a set of symptoms, as the rapid loss of adult worker bees, evidenced by weakening or death of the colony with excess offspring, compared to the adult population. Another symptom is the absence of dead adult bees inside or outside of the hive and lack of ready hive invasion by pests such as wax moth. "The fact that the queen remain in the colony, with few young bees, as well as young and stored food, It features a completely unnatural situation to what is known about the biology of these social insects. Bees live in family, with division of labor and different castes ", says the researcher of APTA.

Beyond the beekeeping generate products such as honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and wax, bees are considered the main pollinators in natural and agricultural environments. This ecosystem service is considered essential for the maintenance of wild populations of plants and essential for the production of some foods in agricultural environments, like apple, melon and orange. A syndrome CCD atinge different countries, mainly the United States. Na Europa, the reports are sporadic, as well as other continents. There are some CCD suspected cases in Southeastern Brazil.

“One must keep in mind the specific characteristics of the syndrome, lest it be confused with other types of collapses, as enxameações, dropouts due to bad weather, lack of resources not field, as well as breakdowns caused by disease or poisoning or even by inefficient management ", explains Erica.

In a recent study, a researcher at the APTA, It concluded that the fungus Nosema ceranae is in Brazil for at least 30 years. The outside researchers believed that this fungus was new and largely responsible for the CCD syndrome. "We show that it is not new and that is not the main cause of the syndrome. currently, we deal with CCD considering their multifactorial, in which several factors may be operating at the same time, leaving the most vulnerable bees and weakening their defense mechanisms ", the firm. Among these various factors, are pesticides, pathogens, parasites, malnutrition of bees, genetics and climate change.

Erica said that the adoption of molecular techniques, associated with traditional, by the speed, practicality and sensitivity, despite the cost involving, can provide more effective and rapid action of the animal agricultural defense agents, with the possibility of early diagnosis, even before the appearance of clinical signs. "The use of these techniques can represent efficient strategy to prevent or hinder the entry of new agents in the country and its dispersion", says.

As in other production sectors, the entry of new pathogens pose a threat to national squad, with serious consequences for the entire industry. "The health problems that have been observed, They are affecting beekeeping and, in certain regions, pollination of crops, facts that jeopardize the competitiveness of Brazil in the foreign market ", says the researcher of APTA.

For Erica, this loss scenario has caused heavy losses to beekeepers, having individual reports of bulky annual losses in honey production due to this abnormality, also considering other products, as well as honey, They are exported or marketed in Portugal. Another important subject is the pollination activity and, therefore, food production, which gives even greater range to the problem. "It's not just honeybees affected, but generally pollinators, including wild bees, also exposed to this range of stressors. Avoid such loss is guaranteed to allow these insects exert their important ecological and economic function ", the firm. Bees are responsible for at least one third of global food production and 30% Brazilian production, totaling US $ 45 billion year in the country.

"At the direction of Governor of the State of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, We seek always produce conserving the environment. The bee products are important source of income to our producers and pollination by bees, it is imperative for the environment and agriculture ", says Secretary of Agriculture and State of São Paulo Supply, Arnaldo Jardim.

Beekeeping Health Laboratory

Na decade, APTA has been Brazilian reference in research on bee pathogens - a possible cause of CCD syndrome. The Agency's research, Polo Regional conducted in the Paraíba Valley, in Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo, They are focused on the diagnosis of virus, fungi, bacteria and parasites affecting the bees Apis mellifera africanizadas, predominant biotype in Brazil.

In the Laboratory of Health Beekeeping APTA, Traditional are carried out and molecular analysis for research purposes. With them it is possible to extract the DNA and total RNA of bees and, thenceforth, identifying the DNA and RNA of pathogens or parasites present and possible variations genotypes, leading to differences in virulence and disease forms of settling. "With the advancement of molecular knowledge and completion of the genome of bees The. mellifera, You can understand better how the body defends itself bees threats. Another important point is the differentiation of species. With the basic analysis, as microscopic as, believed to handle only one species of fungus Nosema, for example, since it was only possible to observe the presence or absence of morphological structures like spores ", explains Erica. A researcher at the APTA is responsible for the first genetic-molecular results of bee pathogens in Brazil.

Influence of pathogens in bees

The researcher explains that the APTA sick bees, as well as any other animal, produce less. Africanized honey bees are more resistant and tolerant to pathogens and parasites than European. A classic example is the mite Varroa destructor, currently the main health problem of the world beekeeping, but what, although present in more than 95% Brazilian apiaries, do not cause damage due to loss of production or even collapses in Africanized bees, compared to what happens with European, according to studies already carried out in the country.

Africanized honey bees, present in the whole of Brazil, They have important genetic variability in terms of resources to be exploited in breeding programs, aimed at getting more resistant strains. "That's what national programs should invest, thus keeping the products produced by them free of drug residues, which is not possible in most countries where beekeeping is well developed ", explains Erica. A researcher at the APTA also states the need to ensure the continued strength and natural tolerance of this biotype.

Research in this direction have been extended to determine whether abnormal dropouts, weakening and collapses have to do with the interaction of pesticides and pathogens, changing the pre-existing balance and leading to increased vulnerability of bees.

Erica warns that in Brazil is not allowed to use any medication for treatment of bees. The antibiotic acaricides and, for example, They are not released, because usage can cause resistance of existing populations of mites, or even bacteria, among other pathogens. The chemicals can also leave residues in bee products, endangering feature so praised by the market, due to guaranteed exemption from waste. "Our products, inclusive, They are used to dilute products made in other countries using such medicines across the board and that, consequently, present above the allowable contamination ", says.


In addition to research, Erica trained hundreds of agricultural tax to the official agricultural defense of individual states to prepare them, technically, in the area of ​​Health Beekeeping, to identify any abnormalities, collection and transport of samples to the laboratory diagnosis.

Participants received information necessary to become multipliers of knowledge in those states that act. The training had the aim of training professionals from the State Health Systems Animal. The trainings were held in São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Ceará and Goiás.

The project, finalized in 2013 and coordinated by APTA, He was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAP) and the National Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq). The project was collaboration of the University of São Paulo (USP), Paulista State University (UNESP), University of Viçosa (UFV), Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) is United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

By Fernanda Domitian and Carla Gomes

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Department of Agriculture and State of São Paulo Supply
Agribusiness Technology of the Paulista Agency
(19) 2137-0613


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