This website was developed by 6P Marketing & Propaganda Ltda.(, and is owned by Cetapis - Technological Center of Beekeeping and Meliponiculture of Rio Grande do Norte.
Our security policy and privacy online can be modified to meet legal or security changes. Please, check this page periodically to learn about possible changes. IS, when using the site, the visitor acknowledges that accepts any changes in policy posted at this address.
The Cetapis believe that their right to privacy and security of your data is respected and will do everything in its power to ensure you. This policy includes all the pages that are hosted at the address is
This does not apply to those contained pages on sites of other organizations / institutions / companies which might have links or references on our website.
No personal or e-mail data is collected on our site unless you tell by their own free will, or by filling out our forms.
We use Google Analytics ( on our website with the sole and exclusive purpose of establishing statistics access, Data were collected, such as, operational system, browser (type and version), Video settings (size / resolution and color depth), date and time of access and page views. These statistics are intended to better understand the public entering the site and improve it increasingly, in order to suit the viewing and access to as many people as possible. Like this, we may use cookies to analyze statistical data of site visitors access, and you may also collect IP addresses to better understand where it comes from our site traffic flow.
We do not install or activate any program, virus, script, trojans or similar which may in any way jeopardize their safety or invade your privacy.
The information collected by the means described above will not be sold or shared with any other institutions, companies or individuals. Only the Presidency of Cetapis and Executive Board and authorized employees of the 6P Marketing & Propaganda have access to this information. No data is disclosed, is on our website, whether in our publications, without this possibility is adequately explained at the moment of delivery.
In the specific case of the signing of the petition For the Protection of Bees, treat your name, country, City, status and comments as public information - for example we may provide compilations of this petition with your comments to world leaders or society, or the press. We will not disclose your full address, and never disclose your email address or telephone number without your express consent. We may also make available to the press and to the public online your comments regarding this petition.
In the event of hiring outsourced services for distribution of our material, by necessity or convenience, her choice will only be made by ensuring that this privacy policy are duly respected, in addition to the commitment that the information provided is the sole and exclusive use of Cetapis, not used in any way for other purposes.
We do not send e-mail to persons who are not registered with us. In the event of using a list of e-mails from third parties, by necessity or convenience, emails will be sent only to people who indicated accept partner emails.
We give the option for you to unsubscribe from our mailing lists email.
For sending e-mails, Cetapis follows the manual “Politeness” the Brazilian Association of Direct Marketing - ABEMD.
The Cetapis does not request identifiable information from children. Smaller visitors 13 years should be assisted by their parents or guardians and have the same authority to make use of this site. Should not, However, send any information that identifies.
By using the website or by clicking to accept or agree to the terms of use when this option is available, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the terms set forth herein.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, your personal information or the practices of this site, You can contact